Company - Li Castri

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 Nuovi Punti Vendita
novembre 2014
Oggi è possibile acquistare i nostri prodotti anche nei Supermecati CONAD "L'Arcipelago" di Palermo, Carini e Trapani.

Nuovo Prodotto!
aprile 2014
Nuove pratiche confezioni di Olive in secchielli quadrati da 2Kg.
Vedi le caratteristiche.

Nuovo Prodotto!
aprile 2014
Nuove vaschette Take away da 200g.
Vedi le caratteristiche

 Nuovo Sito!
giugno 2014
Realizzazione del nuovo sito istituzionale a norma con le vigenti direttive in materia di standard web-istituzionali.
Il nuovo sito vuole rappresentare anche un nuovo punto di incontro tra l'Azienda e i clienti/consumatori, diventando un mezzo di comunicazione atto a promuovere, anche attraverso i social network, l'alta qualità dei prodottia marchio Lo Monaco - Li Castri.

Who We Are

Lo Monaco - Li Castri is considered as one of the leading company of the sector. Thanks to a mix between tradition and innovation it has always been able to respond to the new needs of the customers never giving up on the quality of the products.

Lo Monaco - Li Castri is considered as one of the leading company of the sector. Thanks to a mix between tradition and innovation it has always been able to respond to the new needs of the customers never giving up on the quality of the products.

All the products are subjected to rigorous controls to test freshness and quality, which begin with the careful selection of raw materials and then continue in the various stages of processing until the end of the production cycle, after which the goods are packaged and then forwarded to distribution for consumption.

With commitment and passion, Lo Monaco - Li Castri reciprocates the trust of many consumers that, in Italy and in the world, choose its products: all the flavors of the Nature of Sicily!

The company pays great attention to the problem of environmental protection and uses photovoltaic solar panels in order to ensure the highest performance in terms of energy savings and low environmental pollution.

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Copyright Lo Monaco Li Castri Food S.r.l. | P.IVA/C.F. 0626460829
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